My new novel ‘Out of Nowhere’ has been bought by my Dutch publisher Kokboekencentrum, where it is known as Tweestrijd (Conflicted), and my Italian publisher Feltrinelli. Here are some reviews:
The story is captivating, adventurous and thrilling… Until the last pages you can cut the tension with a knife. Hetboekenrijk
For boys and girls 12+, who love exciting adventure stories about WWII. Christelijkinderboeken
With Tweestrijd , Paul Dowswell has once again created a very exciting Young Adult novel. Four characters each have their own storyline. They don’t know about each other, but every decision or action they take has consequences for others. This coherent storyline is really well put together, woven into an excellent plot. Paul Dowswell has a very pleasant and visual writing style… (and) writes with a lot of knowledge. This book is also recommended for adults. It often grabs you by the throat and does something to you. Perfecteburen
I think Paul is one of the best writers of historical fiction for young people… The pacing of the book as it cuts between locations and personalities is superb. The main characters are living, breathing, flawed human beings whose fate I cared about. There’s a lot packed into the book and Paul’s research must have been copious but it never flattens the storytelling. It’s a mystery to me why this book hasn’t found a British publisher and I’d like to think that out there somewhere is one who will change that. Jane Sandell, Pictures and Conversation